Centauri Portable Headlight
High Q Dental
Altair HI
Altair SA
Nova 3 Light Source
EOS Micro LED Headlight
Starbright LED
C3 Portable LED Headlight
XL 10-watt Portable LED Headlight
Centauri Portable Headlight
Ray LED Headlight Parts
Nova 300-watt Xenon Light Source
The Beamer 10-watt LED Light Source
Centauri Portable Headlight
Brilliant, Portable Halogen Illumination. Positioning Bar NOT Included - please order separately if needed.
HIQ 9500 Centauri Headlight
When maximum mobility is the goal, High Q delivers with the Centauri Portable Halogen Headlight. Battery, charger, and transformer not included. Spot size adjustment included.
HIQ 1600 Centauri headlight system
Centauri 2 Portable Halogen Headlight For full system, also order: Ecopac Rechargeable Battery Pack 100-240v Transformer Battery Charger
HIQ 1600-OS Centauri headlight system for over seas.
Centauri 2 Portable Halogen Headlight Ecopac Rechargeable Battery Pack 100 - 240v Transformer 100 - 240v Charger
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